Advantages Of Obtaining CompTIA Certification
The Computer Technology Industry Association, or CompTIA, is a not-for-profit business association formed by five individuals involved in microcomputers. It was founded in 1982 as the Association of the Best Computer Traders or ABCD. It is a global organization based in Illinois that manages many of the professional certifications used in the IT industry. Anyone in the industry benefits from earning a CompTIA certification to demonstrate experience and expertise in the field. CompTIA conducts certifications at Prometric and Pearson VUE test centers. The available degrees are presented in four different series to show the skills of people from entry-level to mastery. The CompTIA Core series covers general and IT-related topics that apply to anyone looking for a job that includes computers with the Strata IT Fundamentals test. Basic testing includes understanding computers, compatibility, bugs, software installations, and security threats. The exam includes 70 que...